Highly Efficient Power Conversion in Clean Energy Applications

Highly Efficient Power Conversion in Clean Energy Applications

Discover how to achieve high efficiency in energy conversion of alternating current (AC) and direct current (DC) utilizing next generation field-effect transistors (FETs) made of gallium nitride (GaN). These devices offer lower losses, higher switching speeds, and smaller sizes than conventional silicon-based FETs.

Learn how to:

  • Grasp the superior characteristics of GaN FETs over silicon FETs, including efficiency and size benefits.
  • Discover the role of GaN FETs in boosting AC/DC energy conversion efficiency.
  • Understand how integrating GaN FETs elevates power system performance and reliability.
  • Explore design considerations for WBG FETs and how high-bandwidth current sensors address associated challenges.

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Highly Efficient Power Conversion in Clean Energy Applications On-demand webinar host emil pavlov headshotHosted by Strategic Marketing Manager, Emil Pavlov



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