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The CD Microsystems Data Collector Management Studio provides a dashboard to configure and control the Data Collection and Reporting system.  Using a secure Login, the system administrator can remotely configure the data collection engines connected to the plant floor equipment.

Collection is configured by defining trigger expressions which determine when plant floor data is to be collected.  Generally these triggers are based on an event occurring on the plant floor as a function of OPC Tag(s) in the controllers or HMI's, but they can also be time based (historian).  Handling of the trigger can be assigned to any data collection engine on the network.

The administrator can then define what is to be written to the columns of a selected data table when the trigger occurs.  A powerful expression evaluator allows the data written to contain plant floor data from OPC tags, Mathematical or Logical expressions, Date Time functions, For/Next Loops, Numeric or Text constants and Framework ID's.

Triggers can be cascaded to store data in structures such as nested header/detail relational databases.



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